We all want the best for our horses but it does get confusing when there is so much spin published on joint care ingredients.
Q: Is the molecular weight of Chondroitin Sulphate really important?
Absolutely. Low grade Chondroitin, often just powdered cartilage, has a larger molecular structure and a higher molecular weight and therefore is not as bioavailable through intestinal absorption.
Shark Net delivers 4,000 mg pharmaceutical grade bioavailable Chondroitin per treating dose.
Q: Glucosamine Sulphate or Glucosamine HCL, which is best?
Studies suggest Glucosamine Sulphate is more readily absorbed, but again it is the quality that counts not the source.
What is most important is the actual amount of Glucosamine delivered in a dose. Shark Net delivers the recommended 10,000 mg pharmaceutical grade bioavailable Glucosamine Sulphate per treating dose.
Q: What is MSM & why is it so important?
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a bioavailable form of sulphur, a vital component of collagen. Included at sufficient levels, MSM not only supports the active ingredients, it has wider physiological benefits to the animal as a whole. It is widely claimed to have natural anti-inflammatory and circulation boosting properties, and to be effective in treating and
preventing epifisitis in growing horses. Shark Net delivers 16,000 mg of MSM per treating dose.
Q: What else should a good oral joint treatment have in it?
The other essential ingredients of any good joint care formula are Manganese, a required cofactor for enzymes involved in cartilage metabolism, and Ascorbic Acid, a component of hydroxyproline, an amino acid that plays a key role in collagen stability. Shark Net delivers both at the level required to insure that all essential nutrients for articular cartilage and synovial fluid production are in sufficient concentrations.
Read why more Olympians and leading trainers are now using Shark Net Joint Powder Concentrate. It’s not just the best value, it is the best!